promote education

美 [prəˈmoʊt ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn]英 [prəˈməʊt ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn]
  • 促进教育
promote educationpromote education
  1. It has realistic significance for constructing harmonious society to promote education fair .


  2. This study in order to promote education practice , has analyzed the angle of reading and writing teaching operational innovative guide .


  3. Enhance the Application of Education Technology and Promote Education and Teaching Modernization


  4. Promote education information technology has become the trend of the development of world education .


  5. Promote education innovation and probe the method of cultivating innovative talents ;


  6. Our enterprise spirit : The quality is fundamental , science and technology promote education .


  7. All schools need to comprehensively promote education that ensures the well-rounded development of students .


  8. First , we should promote education and maintain sharp vigilance in international trade transactions .


  9. Is not practical to arrange the student teaching time , can only promote education retreat from the real effect .


  10. On this basis , the article further explore how to create a good school culture promote education in the humanities .


  11. A greater portion of our total revenue will be used to raise the people 's living standards and promote education .


  12. Through studying cross-training teaching and the differences among students , the paper aims to make every student develop fully and to promote education quality .


  13. In between songs Obama highlighted her Let Girls Learn initiative , which aims to promote education for girls around the world .


  14. Xiao stressed that great importance and priority should be attached to education development , and efforts must be made to promote education reform and development .


  15. The key of integration is : to make full use of information technology to promote education reform , and to greatly improve the quality of teaching in schools .


  16. This article tends to explore education evaluation to promote education quality based on the harmonious culture theory and belief through the aspect of multicultural diversity .


  17. Web-Based Exam System provides an effective evaluating measure for the implementation of network teaching and it is of important significance to promote education socialization and modernization .


  18. It is the inevitable choice for the colleges to actively adapt themselves to market economy , reform the mode of cultivating talents and promote education quality .


  19. Promote education at various levels and of transverse and longitudinal cohesion , providing multiple choice to communicate , satisfy individual diverse learning and development needs .


  20. To ensure higher education fair , promote education equality of opportunity , the state has adopted various measures to solve family economic difficulties students to receive higher education problems .


  21. In order to promote education effects and cooperation with kindergarten and to enhance the quality of family education , it is necessary to apply cooperative learning in family education .


  22. The key point is to promote education balance development and ensure faculty resources balanced . So enhance rational teachers flow between urban and rural schools become the significant policy .


  23. In order to speed up the development of education informationization , in wuhan city promote education high equilibrium , improve the quality of education , wuhan launched education cloud project .


  24. College publishing , which relies on the development of college , has evolved its unique academic culture tradition to spread knowledge , promote education , learning and researches .


  25. The government hopes to improve higher education management and promote education efficiency through measures such as decentralization of authority , loosening control of procedures and authority on private institutions .


  26. Educational resources are complex , the teacher resource is the key affect of the education development , therefore the teacher resources ' disposition question becomes a promote education enterprise unevadable topic .


  27. In order to promote education fairness effectively , better crack the current education contradictions , we need to constantly perfect all kinds of feasible measures that promote the education fairness to realize .


  28. The main function of incentive mechanism is to promote education in primary and secondary school teachers teaching behavior and values and ethics share the same objectives , stimulate energy and motivation of teachers .


  29. Learning plan guiding mode after many years of exploration and improvement , has extended to the national many medium and small school in the course teaching , and to promote education reform play a large role .


  30. To narrow the gap in different regions education development and realize the education resources equilibrium and to promote education equity have great significance in realizing economic and social justice and in the construction of a harmonious society .
